Hi friends, as you may know we are well underway as a registered charity. We are looking at land in Malawi this September so as to begin building an orphanage fit for a king. We are also doing a great deal of work in Luton and want to expand this work across the UK.
We are looking for 5000 people to sign up to donate £1 a month as part of our “Lets Pound It” campaign. If you can help, please sign up by clicking on the £1 link below. We have also set up plans where you could pledge to donate up to £20 per month. Please feel free to sign up to one of these plans if you have the ability to.
As we are a small charity, we do not have the software in place to allow you to specify a custom amount at this stage. Therefore, if you are interested in donating any other amount, please email us at donations@kingdomcause.community and we will happily help set this up for you.
NB: We use gocardless.com to help us collect direct debits as we are still a small charity and they are the most cost effective service provider. They charge a minimum of 20p to administer this for us. We have therefore set each plan up at the donation amount plus 20p so the full pledge goes to the charity.